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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Doom 3 : Resurrection of Evil System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-03-01 15:47:55 Views : 14297 Ammunition names: Use one of the following entries with the give code. ammo_bfg_small ammo_belt_small ammo_clip_small ammo_bullets_small ammo_cells_small ammo_rockets_small ammo_shells_small ammo_grenage_small ammo_clip_large ammo_bullets_large ammo_cells_large ammo_rockets_large ammo_shells_large Monster names: Use one of the following entries with the spawn code. Cyberdemon - monster_boss_cyberdemon Guardian - monster_boss_guardian Guardian's Seeker - monster_boss_guardian_seeker Sabaoth - monster_boss_sabaoth Vagary - monster_boss_vagary Archvile - monster_demon_archvile Cherub - monster_demon_cherub Hellknight - monster_demon_hellknight Imp - monster_demon_imp Maggot - monster_demon_maggot Mancubus - monster_demon_mancubus Pinky - monster_demon_pinky Revenant - monster_demon_revenant Tick - monster_demon_tick Trite - monster_demon_trite Wraith - monster_demon_wraith Cacodemon - monster_flying_cacodemon Lostsoul - monster_flying_lostsoul Zombie wth flashlight - monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight Flaming Zombie - monster_zombie_bernie Commando Zombie - monster_zombie_commando Commando Zombie with chaingun - monster_zombie_commando_cgun Fat Zombie with wrench - monster_zombie_fat_wrench Fat Zombie - monster_zombie_fat2 Zombie in jumpsuit - monster_zombie_jumpsuit Zombie eating - monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating Zombie in labcoat - monster_zombie_labcoat Zombie missing limb - monster_zombie_limb Zombie - monster_zombie_maint Bald zombie - monster_zombie_maint_bald Zombie with no jaw - monster_zombie_maint_nojaw Skinny zombie - monster_zombie_maint_skinny Zombie with Wrench - monster_zombie_maint_wrench Zombie - monster_zombie_maint2 Zombie with a pipe - monster_zombie_pipe Chainsaw zombie - monster_zombie_sawyer Skinny zombie - monster_zombie_skinny Bloody mouthed zombie - monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth Headless zombie - monster_zombie_suit_neckstump Skinny zombie in suit - monster_zombie_suit_skinny Bald Zombie in T-shirt - monster_zombie_tshirt_bald Zombie in T-shirt - monster_zombie_tshirt_blown Z-sec Zombie with machine gun - monster_zsec_machinegun Z-sec Zombie with pistol - monster_zsec_pistol Z-sec Zombie with shield - monster_zsec_shield Z-sec Zombie with shotgun - monster_zsec_shotgun Console Cheats During gameplay, press CTRL + ALT + ~ to bring up the console. Enter in any of the follow codes to activate their effects. God Mode (Invincibility) - god All Weapons, Ammo, and Armor - give all All keys for the current level - give keys Fills your health points to the maximum - give health Fills your armor points to the maximum - give armor Fills your ammo to the maximum - give ammo Gives you the Grabber - give weapon_grabber Gives you the Shotgun - give weapon_shotgun Gives you the Machine Gun - give weapon_machinegun Gives you the Chaingun - give weapon_chaingun Gives you Grenades - give ammo_grenade_small Gives you the Plasma Rifle - give weapon_plasmagun Gives you the Rocket Launcher - give weapon_rocketlauncher Gives you the BFG 9000 - give weapon_bfg Get the new grabber gun. - give weapon_grabber Get the new double-barrel shotgun. - give weapon_shotgun_double Spawn a hazmat zombie. - spawn monster_zombie_hazmat Spawn a "Forgotten" skull monster. - spawn monster_flying_forgotten Another "Forgotten" spawn code. - spawn monster_flying_forgotten2 Spawn a vulgar demon. - spawn monster_demon_vulgar Spawn a bruiser demon. - spawn monster_demon_d3xp_bruiser Spawn the first of three hunter demons. - spawn monster_hunter_helltime Spawn the second of three hunter demons. - spawn monster_hunter_berzerk Spawn the third and final hunter demon. - spawn monster_hunter_invul Start a new game on Erebus Level # (1 to 6). - map game/erebus# Start a new game in Phobos Sector # (1 to 4). - map game/phobos# Start a new game in Delta Labs - Unknown. - map game/deltax Start a new game on the final Hell level. - map game/hell Item names: Use one of the following entries with the give code. pda admin_banks pda admin_dorweiler pda admin_moses pda admin_simons pda alphalabs1_berger pda alphalabs1_krietman pda alphalabs1_lipsitz pda alphalabs1_smith pda alphalabs2_chin pda alphalabs2_connors pda alphalabs3_abrams pda alphalabs3_lamia pda alphalabs3_nelson pda alphalabs3_poota pda alphalabs4_kaczynski pda caverns1_cody pda comm1_blake pda comm1_finch pda comm1_wolfe pda comm1_wolfe pda commoutside_holiday pda commoutside_ridge pda cpu_bates pda cpu_haskell pda cpuboss_tooloose pda delta1_mora pda delta1_price pda delta2a_cinders pda delta2a_raleigh pda delta2a_wilson pda delta2b_bullman pda delta2b_erikson pda delta2b_mcneil pda delta2b_stemmons pda delta3_cerano pda delta3_lee pda delta3_shultz pda delta4_gilbert pda delta5_jackson pda delta5_swann pda enpro_chasar pda enpro_hammer pda enpro_raad pda hell_garlick pda hell_hebert pda marscity2_caseon pda marscity2_duncan pda marscity2_stanton pda marscity2_tyson pda mc1_berneche pda mcunderground_baston pda mcunderground_delahue pda mcunderground_ryan pda mcunderground_young pda monorail_cullen pda monorail_harding pda monorail_hollies pda monorail_ross pda recycling1_garza pda recycling1_sadowayj pda recycling2_johnson pda recycling2_moen pda site3_davis pda site3_rogers video bfg video chaingun video demon_museum video epd (download videodisc with content) video hydrocon video ian_report video ipn_news video mfs video plasmagun video recycling video soulcube video tablets Weapon names: Use one of the following entries with the give code. weapon_chaingun weapon_grenade weapon_pistol weapon_soulcube Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Doom 3 : Resurrection of Evil cheat codes.
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